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About Me...

First off, thank you so much for checking out who I am and what it is I do! There's tons of info out there on the interweb and quite frankly, I'm flattered you're here! That being said, what I have available here on my site must be simple, must be clear and must provide both sides to the story when talking health and nutrition (some fitness but not much cause I don't hold a PT cert of any kind - k?).
Let's face it. There's not a one size fits all approach to health (dear lord, how many times have you heard that before??). So what I'm going to do (for the stuff I DO know something about) is give you the facts, maybe link in a few studies, and share either my experience, or my clients experiences. "Fat loss isn't complicated!" Well, it is and it isn't. If you're trying to get shredded, yeah, that's a complicated deal with lots of different hormones to take into consideration, the right diet, the right deficits, the right training routine, yadda yadda yadda. Yeah, that's complicated. But if you want to get in better health, lose the unwanted weight, then there's some fundamental things you should know...and do. And really, they're not complicated. You won't see me posting any juice fast recipies or articles, no magic superfood shakes to drink, and no "quick fixes". In all honesty, losing weight and maintaining it simply requires replacing undesireable habits with some good ones. And that my lovely lady (yes, you) is something I'm going to do my best to incorporate into all my articles and blogs (not the recent ones, I'm not going back into those quite yet *wink).  Knowing what you should to, and then continually practicing it day in and day out, now that's what's complicated about weight loss. It's what I help all my clients do after getting to know them and their goals. I take in their current habits, and slowly implement new, healthy, desireable ones. Becuase my friend, the only way you or I or anyone is going to see lasting positive changes is by addressing HABITS! We all have them! And they either help or hinder our daily lives.
That being said, a little more about me...
I am a certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist through NASM (as of early 2015). Basically what that means is I know a few things about proteins, carbs and fat, minimum recommended dietary intakes, a litle on eating disorders, the function of metabolism (thank god I passed that section, phew!) annnnd a few other things. What I learned through NASM was a great base line for starters. Some of it I already was very familiar with, and some stuff (like the entire section on cell metabolism) was a real eye opener! Being the research junkie that I am, and knowing that taking an exam simply isn't enough, I try my best to read up on and be "current" gosh...with as much health related topics as a mother of two and wifey (yes I said wifey) can possibly be. I'm also almost wrapped up with my Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification courses from a company that is determined to make coaches better at their job - Coaching. Well, not just the coaching aspect, but also customizing plans, helping clients get super lean (just learned how to do peak week - woop woop!) but mostly just rockin' at your job as a health "expert". So there you go, there's my (current) credentials ;)
Now me - personally. 
I have two (very rascally) little children. A girl age 9, and a boy age 6 (anyone who has boys knows they're like 2 children in one). They are awesome, no really. I'm not just saying that cause I'm the mother of these two (awesome) kids. My daighter is obsessed with horses. She's from age 3-8 she was a horse. She's got the neigh down PAT. My little boy, he's enthralled with dinosaurs and riding his bike. He's a complete and utter handful with the biggest heart. <3 I had them young, and as you'll read in my blog "My life did not turn out how I planned it" I never wanted kids. No desire to procreate, not a one. And then well, as life may have it, I woudn't want it any other way! All you mommas out there know this one fact: Parenthood is some of the lowest lows, but also the highest highs!  

My hubs? He my best friend. Some more honesty here, a good marriage takes WERK. Like, some heavy doses of humility and mostly commitment and WEERRRK! Then, after you get to know each other, and adapt to those changes marriage is something pretty awesome (that's another thing I never had planned for my life - go read the blog!). He's loyal, he's your typical guy and he's funny as the day is long. His mom and dad did a pretty good job on this guy and I hope they know that cause everyone who knows him certainly would agree :) He's my biggest supporter and I just LUH him!
Okay, wanna know some other interesting things? I know after my family intrduction you're probably just chimping at the bit to know more about me, right? ;) Well, without dragging this "About Me" doohicky on much longer I'm kind of your average lady. I'm busy, I love to workout, I love to help people, I love my family tremendously, I love my friends. I give people the benefit of the doubt, I understand when people get stressed and are busy, and I never hold it against them (that wasn't always the case - I was a huge grudge holder!). But life teaches you some things. Some very important things if you allow yourself to be open to the lessons. No one is perfect. We're all struggling every day to take care of our responsibilities, our loved ones, and (hopefully not last) ourselves. I want to be good at everything (THAT will humble you!). I want to be loyal like my husband is in aspects of my life.
"Ok, Brandi, thanks for the random pep talk (wth?), but what about your fitness!? What connection can I make with regarding your fitness life?!" Ok, ok. Well. I had lots of body issues as a young one growing up. My sister hovered around 90 pounds and well...I didn't. I always compared myself against her and that gave me lots of body dismorphia. I tried bulemia, anorexia and snuck my dads diet pills for a while as a young teenager. No, I wasn't admitted to any hospitals or recovery centers or anything serious. I had to pull my head out of that thinking all by myself. And it's only until like early 2015 that I have totally come to peace with myself (sans bust and everything). There's some of the meatier things that I think a LOT of women can relate to. I don't need to go into detail about exaclty why I was doing that, you all get it. I was insecure and growing up during a time when skinny was everything. Oh and big boobs were, too. 
I feel the same feels you do about body. And that's why I'm not into talking about how shredded I can get you, or promise you 6 pack abs and shoulder veins. That's not relevant to a healthy happy life. I can (and will) get my clients to a healthy weight, set some rock solid healthy habits and help you imrpove your quality of life all while guiding you to love your body. Trust me. NO ONE cares how much you can squat or bench or whether or not you're vasular. That's all you, boo. Sure you might earn the title "animal" or be dubbed "the one into fitness", but that's not YOU. You are so much more than that. 
WOW that intro was long! If you read all of it, I love you! Browse around my site and as always...

I wish you health, happiness, and heavy lifts ;)
-XOXO, Brandi

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