Brandi Bartmess
Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Habit Based Online Coach
Welcome to my site!
Hello, Goal Digger! Thank you so much for checking me out on the world wide web, there are many MANY fitness and health sites to spend oodles of time on and the fact that you are here on MY site well, simply flatters me! Here you'll find what I love - health and fitness #DUH The internet can share a lot (like, a lot a lot) and I have read my fair share of silly rules, gimmicks and quick "fixes" surrounding getting healthy and while I'm no fitness "expert" (yes, I have certifications and love to read a lot of the latest research and listen to podcasts from well respected and decades long experts) I know that what works for one group of people won't work for another. So with that said I will do my best to provide information on what you can do to lose weight and get in shape a well as my personal experience. Always using the same set of guidelines the majority of the population should do (yes, I said should do) to reach those goals. But my site won't only be about that. I want to post other things I am passionate about like parenting, marriage, life balance and internal appreciation! Because life is so much more than working out and eating healthy! Yes, it's important to take care of yourself, but people can easily lose sight of another important aspect of life and that is relationships! YES! You can learn to balance your health priorities and manage every day life!
Anyway... Working out & I go way back! I am in love with fitness! I used to get up at 4am to go to the gym with my dad starting when I was 13. I've logged many hours of straight cardio and I've owned many, oh so many, workout videos, my first ever was Tae*Bo with Billy Blanks (Oh Yeah!). I have done everything from Insanity to P90X, The Wave by The Firm, I've done Pilates, YouTube workouts, Boxing (never had the guts to do Zumba..), etc. I've had years of subscriptions to the health&fitness magazines sporting all the trends & tricks to getting results...(puh-lease!)
I've tried going "all natural" making all sorts of things from scratch that usually required coconut oil, planting a tree and a yoga pose before getting started (I got really good at my downward facing dog). I've done juicing, diet pills, you name it. But mostly I've done lots of cardio with some weights. I've also tried the whole "eating clean" thing but it really got me NO WHERE. I had about 6 months back in 2012 of all out effort and mass failure in my fitness journey. But, it helped me be the fitness enthusiast you see today! It took me losing my patience, my drive, motivation and even had minor bouts of depression due to an insufficient and catty wompus diet. I needed answers, I needed guidance! Hello, GOOGLE. Hello IIFYM and Intermittent Fasting! That's where my REAL journey began! :)
Head on over to the "About Me" tab to learn more about my credentials, my story, and my services. We may have more in common than you think. Oh, and check out my blog posts, too. Oh and like me on Facebook if you want updates on new content, services and me stuff ;) on Instagram @Real_Life_Fit_